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12 December 2024

Discover colourful city cars over a delicious cup of coffee

Masaba Coffee would like to invite everybody to become acquainted with Microlino’s colourful city car on the Circle’s main square over a delicious cup of Fairtrade coffee.

Small yet nimble Microlinos are sprinkled across the high-profile space on the Circle’s main square – just like brightly coloured polka dots ranging from pink to light blue and turquoise to bright red. The company’s famous Micro scooters are also a must, of course. While visitors take a closer look at the nippy car – which can reach speeds of up to 90 kilometres per hour – or consult with the associates on site, an entirely different kind of pleasure awaits them at Masaba Coffee’s trendy coffee bar: freshly roasted premium Arabica coffee from a Swiss Fairtrade project in Uganda.

Read the entire article in German.

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